Getting Started

Picket Web Services API provides a simple interface to trustworthy data and services in the real estate domain. Press the Get Started button to create an account and login to our platform.

Once logged in create an API key using key management page. Create a new API key using the button and give it a human friendly name for your reference. Once created the API key details can be accessed using the copy icon on the right. In the dialog box you will have access to both client Client ID and Client secret which are necessary for authentication.

Make your first API request

The easiest way to get the feel for our API is to Try it out directly in our API reference documentation.

Click the Authorize button and copy paste the Client ID and Client secret in the dialog box then click the Authorize button in the dialog box. An authorization API call will be performed and access token generated. You can close the dialog and notice that the endpoints have now a closed lock icon signalling a proper authorization. This will allow you to try out any API endpoint directly from the API reference documentation.

Once the authentication is successful please go to the documentation of rent estimate endpoint. Click Try it out and provide the address parameter with a valid address of a single family house

158 Crawford Hill Road, Goodlettsville TN

and execute. The generation will take a couple of seconds and the response body will contain a rent estimates for the given address.

Programmatic access

For authentication within your own service please refer to the Authentication section of the documentation. The OpenAPI specification of current version of Picket Web Services is accessible using the urls: